Sunday, February 10, 2008

Back to the hospital

It's been a while since I've reported here, I've been home for 2 1/2 weeks, guess I've found other things to do than add to blog. Life has been somewhat normal, the primary side effects being fatigue and hair loss. I started losing my hair last weekend, now it's disappearing fast. Yesterday I shaved off the little bit that was left of my moustache, fearing that it was going to make me look like Hitler.

Life is not exactly normal, I don't have energy to do more than take a short walk or go to a restaurant. I have had visitors, my sister Marsha was here 2 weekends in a row, my niece Paula and her husband Ted were here last weekend. It's been good not to be alone, I'm so used to being independent, but in my weakened condition, I appreciate the security of having people around. They've also helped clean up my apartment, since I didn't have the energy to do more than add to the clutter of junk mail and the mess left by the plumber who installed a new hot water heater while I was in the operating room.

Today I'm heading back my second home, the hospital at NIH. It doesn't feel like I've been away for long, especially since I've been back to the hospital twice a week for blood tests and a blood transfusion. Tomorrow I start my second round of chemo, hoping that it will go as well as the first.


harrietv said...

Will you believe me if I tell you that what you think is not normal is normal? Chemo does a job on you, just because it's doing such a job on the cancer. Yes, you'll feel tired. Yes, you'll be making extra trips back to the hospital for blood work and/or shots to relieve the effects of the chemo. One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

I hope this hospital stay is going well, or at least as well as can be expected! I also hope that the side effects have continued to treat you gently.